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Business Account Fee

Free DNBC Financial Group Personal account openingfee
Free Multi-currency current account openingfee
Free Internet payment for Personal (sign up +monthly fee)
C$99 Monthly maintenance fee
Download Business Account Fees
  1. Note:
  2. D – current working date, cut-off time at 04:00 PM.
    D+1 – value date on the following working day.
    D+2 - within 2 days from the current working day
  3. 0.25% of the total amount of transactions. Maximum transaction fee capped at 175 CAD for Urgent D+2. Based on your request, an additional charge of 25 CAD shall be applied to Express D+1.
  4. Applicable to a transaction with an amount over 50,000 CAD. This service charge is an extra fee applied to large transactions on checking documents and scanning KYC compliance. The processing fee is fixed following the information of the above table.
  5. The negative interest is calculated at the end of each day. The negative interest is debited at the end of each month for the period of the previous month and debited directly from the respective account. The negative interest is currently 1% per annual. The calculation for each month is 1/12th of the interest rate. The negative interest will be charged as of 01 May, 2022 until further notice.
  6. Enable to open accounts corresponding with different currencies: EUR, CHF, GBP, CAD, HKD, etc.