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🎉 New: DNBC Global Wallet is an add-on to DNBC’s Business service, facilitating global financial management for businesses. 🎉
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General Questions

Chevron FAQs Chevron General Questions Chevron What are all the fees and charges associated with personal current account / checking account?

What are all the fees and charges associated with personal current account / checking account?

There is no extra fee associated with your personal current account/ checking account during the time of usage but you would need to have a minimum amount of €240 kept in your account for an ongoing basis for payment of maintenance fees in 1 year. This amount will cover all your services, including a technical hotline if you even encounter any problems.

If you transfer international money to another account within our DNBC Financial Group network, there would be no extra fee occurred but if you want to wire transfer to a bank account outside the network, we will charge you according to the speed of your transfer.

However, we will never charge you for checking your account online, so please check your account frequently and let us know any suspicious fees occurred because we will never charge you any hidden fees you wouldn’t know of. 

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